交通燈小綠人專屬的街頭展覽 – Walking Men Worldwide

相信大家對交通燈上的小綠人並不陌生。外國藝術家Maya Barkai以此作為題材,舉辦多場「Walking Men Worldwide™」街頭藝術展,在工地圍板和街頭廣告上展視世界各地不同造型的小綠人,為冷清的街道注入活力。有趣的是,你有機會為這個展覽出一分力!你可以上傳自己地區的小綠人到官方網站,讓它出現在下次展覽中!
圖片來源:「Walking Men Worldwide™」官方網站
The little green man on the traffic light should not be unfamiliar to all of us. Artist Maya Barkai created a series of public art installations called ‘Walking Men Worldwide™’ to show ‘little green men’ from different regions on boards surrounding construction sites and advertisements on street lights. Interestingly, you can contribute to the exhibition! You may upload green men from your own city to the official website and let it be shown up in the upcoming exhibition!
Official Website: http://walking-men.com/
Photo retrieved from the official website of ‘Walking Men Worldwide™’