法國藝術家Andy Guérif將我們日常在街道上接觸到的現代標誌結合經典名畫,編成 “Le Code de L’art” (<藝術的代號>)這本畫冊。作者眼見交通標誌背後都有不同意義,因此試圖為藝術作品配上一個能夠代表他們的標誌。他在內文為一張張世界名畫配上一個又一個標誌,但沒有指明這些標誌的意思,亦沒有對這些畫作提供詳細說明,目的是給予我們空間去自行探索藝術世界以及那些常被我們忽略的標誌的意義。這就像是玩一場搜索遊戲,讓我們以輕鬆與全新角度欣賞藝術。

Andy Guérif, a French artist, has combined modern signage on road with classic paintings and has published a book called “Le Code de L’art” (“The Code of the Art”). He was inspired by road signs that he discovered that each road signs has different meanings and he thought that each art work could also be represented by a sign. Therefore, he tried to associate each painting with a road sign. Nevertheless, there are no meanings of these road signs and detailed description of these paintings included in the book. The purpose of it is to give us a space to explore the world of art by ourselves and also the meaning of road signs which we usually ignore. This is like playing a searching game and allows us to use a relaxing way and new perspective to admire art.

摘自Andy Guérif – Le Code de L’art
Extracted from Andy Guérif’s “Le Code de L’art”

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